​Microwave sensor sensitivity is too high? New ways to make adjustments easy!


In scientific research and industrial applications, the accuracy and sensitivity of microwave probes are critical to experimental results. However, some users may find that the sensitivity of the microwave probe is too high after purchasing it, which may lead to experimental errors. Today, we will share some simple and effective methods to help users reduce the sensitivity of microwave probes for more accurate measurement results.

Method 1: Adjust the probe position

Move the microwave probe further away from the object being measured. Doing so can reduce the received strength of the microwave signal, thus reducing the sensitivity. This is a fast and feasible method that allows users to make small adjustments as needed.

Method 2: Use shielding materials

A shielding material, such as a metal shield or metal mesh, is placed between the microwave probe and the object to be measured. These materials can effectively reduce the propagation and reflection of microwave signals, thereby helping to reduce sensitivity. Choosing the right shielding material is important to ensure accurate measurements.

Method 3: Reduce microwave power

If your microwave device has power control, you can try reducing the output power of the microwave. This will reduce the intensity of microwave radiation and thus the sensitivity of the probe. When performing this operation, comply with the safety regulations of the device.

Method 4: Adjust the polarization direction of the probe

The polarization direction of the microwave signal also affects the sensitivity of the probe. Try adjusting the polarization direction of the microwave probe to see if you can reduce the response to unwanted signals.

Before making any changes, be sure to consult the equipment manual and strictly follow the safe operation guidelines to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the experiment and work.No longer worry about excessive sensitivity, let your microwave sensor under your control to perform at its best!

Click on the video for more information about the adjust the sensitivity